Spurious Comments

Spurious Comments
March 2013
March will be a busy time for the club as we are moving venue to 56 Friday Hill. Intermediate exams are also planned for early this month. I will be one of those hoping to soon have a 2E0XXX call sign and the chance to start working on the Full License.
National Mills day is almost on us again members are invited to show their support........

Spurious Comments
January 2013
I hope that you all had an enjoyable Christmas break & welcome to the first edition of Spurious for the New Year 2013.
Thanks to all those that contributed to December’s edition of Spurious, you helped to make it a Xmas bumper edition
We have lots to look forward to this year, what with moving venue, Mills on Air day, JOTA, DX competitions, Foundation & Intermediate licence exams we really have a busy year ahead.
In an effort to raise our profile I have started Facebook & Twitter accounts for the club, I hope that all of you Facebook users & Tweeters will....................

Spurious Comments
December 2012
Seasonal greeting’s to you all. It’s been a whole year since we have seen an edition of spurious, so when I was asked at the AGM if I would like to take on the role of Editor my initial reaction was, shall we say a little abrupt. However once I got over the initial shock the suggestion started to grow on me and I am now looking forward in trying to make the magazine as successful as Tom M5AJK has done. I felt this should not go without mentioning that even with all Toms efforts the magazine was and is a team effort & Dave G0HYI has played a major part in proof reading, production & distribution, and I understand that Dave G0HYI will be continuing this role for the foreseeable future, so many thanks to Dave for his continued support.................

Spurious Comments
November 2011
Well guys, after three years in this role this will be my last entry in this column as I have passed over the duties of Secretary to Malcolm G0DTP. Pete has offered to support Malcolm by taking on the role of Spurious Editor, for which both Malcolm and I are very grateful.
I still expect to continue to write the occasional article for Spurious to keep the magazine going and I hope that you will all do the same. Without the support of the membership there will be no articles to publish and no magazine................

Spurious Comments
October 2011
After a long summer break here at last is your next edition of Spurious. I trust that you all have had a good summer despite the weather.
My bees haven’t been very productive as the weather was working against them. We had a hot spell when they should have been collecting nectar – but the plants weren't producing any because it was too dry. Then it was wet for the warmer months followed by a warm spell in late September. The result is that they didn't collect much nectar, and much of what they did collect they had to consume later..............