Spurious Comments
by M5AJK
Well guys, after three years in this role this will be my last entry in this column as I have passed over the duties of Secretary to Malcolm G0DTP. Pete has offered to support Malcolm by taking on the role of Spurious Editor, for which both Malcolm and I are very grateful.
I still expect to continue to write the occasional article for Spurious to keep the magazine going and I hope that you will all do the same. Without the support of the membership there will be no articles to publish and no magazine.
In fact it is for this reason that Spurious has been intermittent during my period as Editor. When I took on the job at the start of 2009 I made it clear that the provision of articles is the responsibility of members.
So in 2009 we published 4 editions in which I wrote 1 article and the remainder of the membership provided 4. During 2010 we published 7 editions in which I wrote 6 articles while the remainder of the membership provided
just 4. In 2011 (including this edition) we have again published only 4 editions. I have written 7 pieces with only one article from another member.
Let’s ensure that we keep Spurious an interesting read on a monthly basis by each of us writing at least one article this year. What we need is a report of your visit to a rally; your radio activity while on holiday; special event stations you’re involved in; even a description of your equipment. But whatever you send in please include some photographs.
Finally, thanks to all those members that gave me an article to publish, and also thanks to those whose activities were incorporated into one of my articles. I’ve enjoyed my time as secretary. Over to Malcolm and Pete.
Best wishes guys.
Chairman’s Band
by G0PRK
The Club held its AGM at the club HQ on the 28th October 2011.
Both the Secretary and Treasurer stepped down. Thank you Malcolm and Tom for all the work you have done for the club.
Tom M5AJK has now taken over the Treasurer’s post whilst Malcolm G0DTP is taking on the Secretary’s job. Pete has offered to help Malcolm with Spurious production. Thank you all for volunteering so readily.
The Club held a successful Junk Sale on 18th November with some serious bidding, raising £226 for club funds.
We welcome Pete and Chris as new members to the Club. Wishing them success in their forthcoming Foundation Licence exams on 2nd December.
The club is starting a 2 metre Net on Friday nights. It will be held on the Enfield repeater GB3NL 145.775MHz, starting at 7pm, until we arrive at the club.
We are also planning a Boxing Day 2 metre Net and another for New Years Day, both starting at 10am on 145.500. QSY down to a clear channel.
Mike M6MBM has requested that the club gets involved with e-QSOs, Echo link and PSK31. This will be an interesting venture for the winter.
I am arranging to become the holder of the two club call signs from our previous chairman Rob.
Silverthorn membership
Don’t forget – Subscription to Silverthorn Radio Club is due now. To retain your membership our treasurer will happily accept the £10 annual fee!
Dear Tom
By a long series of coincidences I came across the club website and was fascinated to read the excerpt from Eric Johnson's reminiscences. I think I may be the "backroom boy at Goonhilly" as, after graduating from Cambridge in 1967 and joining Marconi at Chelmsford, my first actual posting was to Goonhilly Downs on the building of Goonhilly 2 during most of 1968. Ingo Kuhnz was also at Chingford County High School and my sister was a close friend of his sister.
I had joined SRC around 1961, attended Eric's classes at the High School and passed my RAE in 1962. We had many happy hours with all the guys, first at the formidable Mrs Oakes' place and then at Friday Hill House. Eric was always the perfect gentleman and "sheet-anchor" for the club. I'm pleased to hear that his call lives on to this day. Other calls I remember are Bernard Lee (G3ICY or was it G3IGY?), Alan Williams(?) G3LJB, G3PBI, G3RJI, Alan Jeavons G3OZL, Pip Casemore and Vic Dobbs.
Marconi eventually sent me abroad on several jobs including Bahrain and then East Africa. After a while I got to like Nairobi and stayed in Kenya so I lost touch with the club after early 1970. When we moved back to UK in 1976 we ended up living in Bradford nearer my wife's family and I have recently joined Otley ARS with the intention of getting back on the air. After a break of around forty years the whole radio scene has changed so much I need to re-learn it all from scratch! In those days all the gear was either heavily-modified surplus kit or home-brewed.
Are there any other bits of Eric's story available? I tried following some other links but there were several broken for earlier editions of Spurious.
Very best wishes to all at SRC, maybe I'll eventually get back on the air and have a QSO with some of you.
From the Editor
Thanks to Rod for this email. It is interesting to hear more about the history of the club and some of the early members. As I visit the Otley area a couple of times each year I will try to drop in on Rod and the guys there.
I have noted Rod’s comments about the broken links on the web site. For many years (as long as we can remember) Andy G0LWS has run our web site and still does, despite leaving the club a few years ago. I know that we are all grateful to him for this sterling work. However he has left the hobby and it is only fair that we keep the web site ourselves. In the near future we will build up a duplicate site before transferring the management and hosting of the site from Andy.
Thanks Andy, from Silverthorn Radio Club, for all your work on the web site over many years.
It’s about time
by M6MBM
I have been aware of amateur radio for some years now. In fact, I recall back in the 90’s I found a CD with amateur radio goodies on it at a computer fair, and then later on again when a work colleague who was a keen amateur gave me another CD packed with SPART magazines. I remember the feeling of excitement that would run through me as I viewed all the different designs and radio projects.
For some reasons, I think mainly time and the fact that I had to make a living to support my young family, I never got started. Also as my electronic theory skills were not as strong as my electrical installation theory skills, I was never confident enough to try things and move this side of my engineering experience forward. I had no-one to discuss things with.
Happily that has all changed. My XYL and I have raised our family and I now have a little more time to myself. I am now a proud grandfather with a very intelligent granddaughter and I also have the added bonus of having a young nephew whom is also very bright. Both of them are dear to me and I try to keep them close, so hopefully some of what I do may rub off on them and they too may develop an interest for this fascinating hobby.
So, what finally got me to make the effort and look for a club was when I found that my electronics was too weak for me to progress with my electronic studies.
I have been fortunate enough to have worked in the mobile phone industry commissioning base-stations and Node-B’s, so I understand a bit about RF. But it was not until I joined Silverthorn Radio Club based in Chingford and officially became a member back in November 2010, that I realised how much input amateur radio had with the job I was doing and also how similar certain aspects of the job and hobby were.
Anyway a couple of years on since I joined and became an official club member, I took the Foundation course and passed and now am the proud owner of the call sign M6MBM. I have also been recently very democratically voted in as a committee member for the club.

I have started a website - the reason being, I can!
I suppose they call it a BLOG - to keep track of activities I take part in at the club, to document any projects I am doing and also to help me to understand the theory clearly. I find when you write stuff down you tend to remember it. In any case, if it doesn’t stick as my brain is like a sieve these days, I will have an on-line account of what I have done to refresh the old grey matter.
So please bear with me as it may take a while to build on this page. Yes, lots to do, so little time to do it in.............................
Michael M6MBM
Editor’s note
Michael has suggested that the club becomes involved in digital modes e-QSO, Echolink and PSK31. The committee are keen to make some progress on this and as we have limited space a shack clear out is the first step. We will also need a small computer and the cabling for the FT817. Thanks to Mike who has offered to lead this project. No doubt more news will follow…
Diary Dates
Club Events This list supersedes all previous ones. Please note these events are subject to change and other events will be added as they are organised.
Friday 2nd Dec 2011 – Foundation examination
Friday 9th Dec 2011 – Intermediate Course starts
Friday 16th Dec 2011 – Intermediate course
Friday 23th Dec 2011 – Christmas Party
Sunday 26th Dec 2011 – Christmas 2m Net at 11.00am (S20 145.500 QSY S19 145.475 if free or lower channels
Friday 30th Dec 2011 – Intermediate course
Sunday 1st Jan 2012 – New Year 2m Net at 11.00am
Future events in 2012
Thinking Day on the Air Feb 2012 Date to be determined
National Mills Weekend 13th May 2012 Only Sunday opening at House Mill
Silverthorn Club Camp 6 – 9th July 2012 Provisional date to avoid Olympics
Jamboree on the Air Oct 2012 Date to be determined
Annual General Meeting 26th Oct 2012 8.00pm. Probably at Tom Oakman Centre
Local Rallies
Don’t miss these rallies… Check details with the organiser before making the journey
There are several foreign rallies that some members have attended in past years. I have included these separately on the next page so that you can plan your holidays around them if you wish!
Canvey Island, Essex. Dave, G4UVJ, 01268 697 978 (evenings) www.southessex-ars.co.uk
Rainham, Kent. Trevor, G6YLW, 07717 678 795, tre@wig1.co.uk.
Godmanchester, Cambs. John, G0GKP, 01954 200 072, j.bonner@ntlworld.com. www.cdarc.co.uk
Foxton, Cambridge. Lawrence, M0LCM, 01223 711840, rally2012 cambridgerepeaters.net
RSGB in association with the Lincoln Short Wave Club.
Newark and Notts Show ground, Newark. www.nationalhamfest.org.uk
Near Milton Keynes. www.rsgb.org/rsgbconvention
Foreign rallies over page –
Foreign Rallies
info radiovlooienmarkt.nl www.radiovlooienmarkt.nl
Dayton, Ohio, USA. www.hamvention.org
Germany. www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.de/html/en
If anyone is interested in participating in any of the special events or contests please make this known at the Friday evening meetings. Why not organise a team.Operation from the TOC is available at most times and Club equipment is available if needed.
Is anyone up for one of the more unusual contests next year?
If so please contact Tom M5AJK to see if we can get a team together
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