The Silverthorn Radio Club members are of all ages from varied walks of life who share a common interest in amateur radio. Most of our members are licensed radio amateurs, operating their own amateur radio stations. Members of the Club also share many other interests such as computers, the Internet, television, radio control, satellites, electronics, astronomy, among many others. On our informal evenings, you will find members often discussing a wide range of topics. We are a very social orientated club and some meetings each month are given over to informal discussion.
The Club meets every Friday throughout most of the year and we have a programme of organised events including talks on radio and other subjects, 'Junk Sales', contests, quizzes, meals and a weekend camp in the summer. We also have informal evenings where members can chat about a variety of subjects or operate the Club's well-equipped Radio Shack.
We operate on all amateur bands from 160m to 70cms and on all modes including data and SSTV. The Shack is especially useful for Members who have a limited set-up or no equipment at home. Members can also bring along their own specialist equipment to try. The Club is fortunate in being one of the few in the South East, and indeed the country, to have a permanently set up radio shack.
The Club has three amateur call signs which are G(X)2HR, G(X)3SRA and G(X)8CSA. The optional X indicates that we are a club and we can use these call signs to allow non-licensed members to pass greetings messages to other amateurs.
All our meetings are open to visitors and new members.
Membership benefits include, use of the Shack and loan of equipment.